Sierra Spine & Fitness Blog

Natural Flu Remedy Nevada City CA

Recover Quicker with Laser

Recover Quicker with Laser Nevada City A new study shows that athletes who use low-level laser prior to exercise recover significantly faster. The study design used an 830nm laser (I have one in my office) or a placebo laser on athletes prior to exercise. The treated group had much lower creatine kinase (an enzymatic marker…

Natural Flu Remedy Nevada City CA

Natural Flu Remedy

Natural Flu Remedy Nevada City With flu season about to arrive, and increased worry due to the swine flu, I wanted to remind you about Andrographis Paniculata. This herb, known as Kan Jang in China and as Kalmegh in India, is potent against the flu. One study conducted on 540 people with the flu demonstrated…

Flame Retardants are Mental Retardants Nevada City CA

High Fructose Corn Syrup

High Fructose Corn Syrup Nevada City It’s in everything–high fructose corn syrup. This is a sugar that exists in nature which man has figured out how to produce cheaply in large quantities, and at a great expense. One new study shows that the more high fructose corn syrup (HFCS) you eat, the more food you…

Antibiotics and Ear Infections--What You Should Know Nevada City CA

Autism and the Core

Autism and the Core Nevada City A new study found that in children with autistic spectrum disorders visual convergence is often affected. Convergence is the ability to “cross the eyes” when focusing on a near object. This is a very interesting study from a neurological and chiropractic perspective. The nerve cells the coordinate convergence are…

Your Health Nevada City

Grow Your Brain With Meditation

Grow Your Brain With Meditation Nevada City A great new study shows that you not only grow your brain with mediation, you grow the best parts! Specifically, the study found that long-term mediators have significant increases in gray matter (gray matter includes nerve cells and their dendrites, or “connections”) in the frontal lobe and the…

French Fries and Cancer Nevada City CA

Mushrooms for Cancer

Mushrooms for Cancer Nevada City Agaricus blazei is a medicinal mushroom that has an impressive record as an anti-cancer agent. The mushroom appears to be more effective at fighting cancer than cordyceps or mitaake. Part the anti-cancer effect may be due to the mushroom’s modulating effect on a type of immune cells called T-cells. T-cells…